JAKARTADAILY.ID – Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto, Chief of Police for North Kalimantan, presented the 2024 year-end report on Friday, highlighting drug-related offenses as the most significant issue faced by law enforcement in the region.
The report, delivered at the Rupatama Kayan Hall of the North Kalimantan Regional Police Headquarters, outlined a total of 542 prominent cases handled during the year. This figure represents a 5.1 percent decrease compared to the 570 cases recorded in 2023.
“This report serves as an opportunity for us to share our achievements over the past year while demonstrating accountability and transparency to the public,” said Sudwijanto.
Drug-related offenses accounted for 271 cases in 2024, a reduction from the 289 cases reported in the previous year. Assault ranked second, with 129 cases recorded, down from 171 in 2023. Other notable crimes included theft, human trafficking, and sexual offenses.
The report was attended by several high-ranking police officials, including Deputy Chief Brigadier General Soeseno Noerhandoko and other key personnel, alongside members of the media.
Inspector General Sudwijanto commended his officers for maintaining public order during a challenging year marked by the 2024 General Election and the simultaneous regional elections, both of which required extensive security measures.
“I extend my thanks to the team for fostering a safe and stable environment, particularly in safeguarding two critical agendas: the 2024 General Election and the ongoing stages of the simultaneous regional elections,” he stated.
“Looking ahead, we are committed to enhancing synergy with all parties, especially as Operation Mantap Praja 2024 continues through the inauguration of the newly elected regional heads,” said Sudwijanto.
Operation Mantap Praja 2024 is a security operation conducted by the Indonesian National Police to ensure public order and safety during the simultaneous regional elections in 2024. This operation is designed to maintain stability throughout the election process, from the preparation stages to the voting day and the inauguration of elected regional leaders.
While the decrease in overall cases is a positive development, drug-related crimes remain a pressing concern for law enforcement in North Kalimantan. The region’s police continue to prioritize addressing this issue, which has consistently topped the list of major crimes over the years.